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meta language中文是什么意思

用"meta language"造句"meta language"怎么读"meta language" in a sentence


  • 元语言,嵌入语言
  • 中介语言


  • What about differnt meta languages
  • A regular expression is a pattern description using a meta language
  • I18n and multiple meta languages
  • This allows us to create portlets that support different meta languages and national languages
    这让我们可以创建支持不同元语言和本地语言的portlet 。
  • With our current implementation , we have no way to support multiple national languages or multiple meta languages
  • Portlets that use jsp for rendering are given two types of support for i18n , one of which also helps with multiple meta languages
  • We ll come back to the jsp after that to see what more we can do to add support for different national and meta languages
    然后,我们将回头看看jsp ,查看可以再做些什么来添加对不同本地语言和元语言的支持。
  • This allows a portet to have a different layout , colors , images , text , et cetera for each supported language , region and meta language
  • Xml has emerged as the standard of meta language representing data format , and is continually applied to various domain to integrate data sources
  • First , both sgml and xml are recognized as meta languages that allow communities of data owners to describe their information assets in ways that reflect how they develop , store , and process that information
用"meta language"造句  
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